List of channels - TalkIRC Blog

List of channels

441 | 12.01.2024 | Scripts & Popups

alias chanlist {
  if ($dialog(my_chanlist)) { .dialog -x my_chanlist | halt }
  .dialog -mo my_chanlist my_chanlist | list | .window -h "Channels List"
dialog -l my_chanlist {
  title "My Channels List"
  size -1 -1 220 300
  option pixels
  combo 1, 6 4 208 260, sort, size
  button "Button1", 2, 11 268 62 25
  button "Button2", 3, 79 268 62 25
  button "Button3", 4, 147 268 62 25
raw *:*:{
  if ($istok(321 323,$numeric,32)) { haltdef }
  if ($numeric == 322) { .did -a my_chanlist 1 $2 $+($chr(40),$3,$chr(41)) | haltdef }
on *:DIALOG:my_chanlist:sclick:2: echo -a You pressed $did($dname,$did).text
on *:DIALOG:my_chanlist:sclick:3: echo -a You pressed $did($dname,$did).text
on *:DIALOG:my_chanlist:sclick:4: echo -a You pressed $did($dname,$did).text