Connection Issues - TalkIRC Blog

Connection Issues

250 | 11.01.2024 | mIRC Help

If you are having difficulty connecting to an IRC network, the solution in almost all cases is to try a different server on that network until you find one that works for you.


However, if you are unable to connect to any servers on any IRC network, it may be that you are running anti-virus or firewall software that is blocking mIRC and preventing it from connecting, or Windows itself may be blocking mIRC for some reason. You would need to add mIRC to the allowed/exceptions list of your anti-virus or firewall software to allow it to connect.


There are also a few other situations where you might have difficulty connecting to an IRC network and these are described below.


Unable to resolve server

If you try to connect to a server and see this message, the problem could be:


An invalid or non-working server address

You might be trying to connect to an IRC Server that is currently not working, or perhaps is an old address and does not exist anymore. You should try another IRC Server.


Your internet connect is not working correctly

This problem would also result in your being unable to connect to other internet services such as web sites. You should try again later.


Unable to connect to server

If you try to connect to a server and see this message, the problem could be:


IRC server is not working

You might be trying to connect to an IRC Server that is currently not working. This is the most likely problem. You should try another IRC Server.


Invalid port number

The IRC Server address might be correct but you have specified the wrong port. Most servers operate at least on port 6667, so you should try that port to see if it solves the problem.


Other messages

If you try to connect to a server and get Disconnected and see the message Closing Link followed by a comment such as No Authorization or No More Connections, it might be that you are too far away geographically from that server, or that the server is full and cannot handle anymore users, or there may be other reasons. You should try a different IRC Server until you find one works for you.